Your yield specialist
Als ein Kunden orientiertes Unternehmen haben wir uns natürlich darauf spezialisiert, gemeinsam mit jeden Investor in unserem Portfolio ein individuelles und gewinnbringendes Depot aufzubauen.
Erfahrung ist ein großer
Reichtum für Sie.
Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag mit einer Aufwärtsbewegung, und der Rest des Tages wird dem Weg bergauf folgen.

Our mission
We adapt to you and your ideas.
From an idea and vision, which was first created by a group of software developers as a beta version, the exact August 2016 brought the moment when our company ventured the first step into the global financial market. At that time, only a team of five, which determinedly gained a foothold in the financial market through innovation, we have slowly and continuously developed our human resources and expertise segment.
We identify ourselves by our motto: "Invest Simple and Smart" and this has been our point of orientation from the very beginning, through the years we have optimized from experience, the compatibility and functionality in our software in such a way that today this allows us to convince new customers directly through our services.
Today, we proudly and wholeheartedly ensure that over 8,000 clients successfully manage and close their investments from the comfort and risk of their own homes, and this will remain our priority.
An international team of software developers, financial advisors and financial analysts guarantee each of our investors a return on investment that is calculated as a foundation for long-term cooperation.
And so we would be happy to have you dear reader in our customer portfolio, and with firm conviction that we are the right partner for you, we would be happy to receive a contact form from you at any time.
Active since: 2016
Number of employees: 69
EUPL Licensed and Leigitimized
Company leadership

Dylan Demianeko
"The art of attentive listening is essential for clear communication. Clear communication, on the other hand, is...

Melinda Wolosky
"Banks will only lend you money if you can prove you don't need it "

Robert Basham
"The only person you should be trying to outdo is the person you were yesterday....